We help you save your favorite tweets and threads to Notion in the simplest easiest ways.
Built with privacy and easy-of-use in mind.
Choose one of the above plans to get the license key at the end of the purchase (it is sent to your email too)
Send that license key to Save to Notion in a DM. It will activate your plan automatically.
Check theYouTube video ->
Email: contact@savetonotion.com
Twitter: twitter.com/SaveToNotion
Telegram: t.me/SaveToNotionBot
Reddit: reddit.com/u/SaveToNotionYearly Plan
Email: contact@abdulhade.com
Twitter: twitter.com/Abdulhade_Ahmad
Telegram: t.me/Abdulhade_Ahmad
Telegram: t.me/SaveToNotion
Discord: Do you need one? tell me if you do.
Save to Notion
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